

Contractor Provides Sponge Blasting and Painting at Manufacturing Plant

When process vessels were facing significant corrosion and breakdown of their existing coatings, Corroless Eastern Limited was asked to provide a solution that would solve the issue of failing coatings while prepping and recoating their capital assets. This presented challenges, as they had to accommodate the vessels’ operational temperature cycles and minimize dust generation inside the manufacturing setting.

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Contractor Sponge Blasts Newly Constructed Steel Tank Interior

Surface preparation plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and reliability of both old and new industrial assets. This was especially true for a newly constructed water tank in Carrollton, Missouri (USA). Designed for use in the water and wastewater industry, the tank's steel interior was covered in mill scale, which had to be removed prior to coating. 

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Cleaning Crude Oil in Pemex LPG Processing Plant

Oil spills present a unique challenge in the surface preparation world. In these scenarios, the oil needs to be properly removed prior to painting or coating surfaces, as any residue left on the surface can cause significant problems down the line. When oil is spilled on equipment where the coatings are still in good shape, it is important to remove all the oil without damaging the current coatings.

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Robotica Saves Disposal and Labor Costs in Mexico

Pipelines are crucial for transporting clean water from treatment plants to cities, businesses, and homes. By maintaining a closed piping system from the source to the faucet, water utilities reduce the risk of water contamination. During the manufacturing of these pipes, proper surface prep must be completed to ensure that they maintain their integrity after coating and installation.

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How Sponge-Jet Helped Restore Paris's Grand Palais for the 2024 Olympics

Every four years, billions of people from all around the globe unite to watch the Olympic Games. 
Hosted in renowned cities worldwide, this year’s Olympic Games will be held in Paris, France. They have only been held in Paris, France twice before - in 1900 and 1924. Now, 100 years later, Paris will once again become the world stage for these iconic games.
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Ornamental Tin Ceiling Restoration Project at St. Mark's Church

Located along the main road of Steeleville, Illinois (USA), sits a charming Lutheran Church called St. Mark’s. Surrounded by both homes and businesses in the center of the small town, the Church is a well-known landmark in the community. Prior to a recent renovation, the staff at St Mark's noticed that much of the white paint was peeling off of this decorative ceiling, leaving areas of exposed tin.

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Steel Roof Decking Restoration at Parking Garage

Working around other trades is one of the most challenging aspects of any surface preparation and coating application job. If a building intends to stay open for business during abrasive blasting, a whole new level of logistical issues come into play. Fortunately, Sponge Media blasting eliminated many of the headaches involved with these two common jobsite challenges on a recent parking garage repair and renovation project. 

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Switching to Sponge Saves Soot Removal Project in Georgetown

Not long ago in Washington D.C. (USA), a large fire broke out in a restaurant during its ongoing remodel. Located along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the bustling neighborhood of Georgetown, the fire left heavy soot (about 20-30 mils) on a variety of different substrates inside the building, including brick, concrete, stone, and wood.

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The Iowa Gold Standard: Sponge Media & the Old Capitol Building at the University of Iowa

When the dome of the Old Capitol building began showing wear and tear from exposure to the extreme Midwest weather, it was critical that the existing gold leaf be removed and replaced without damaging the copper substrate. 

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Sponge Media and the New Jersey State House: Golden Again

The New Jersey State House was built in 1792, and is the second oldest state house still in use. As part of a $300 million renovation, the restoration of the impressive gold dome structure was undertaken. This 160-foot tall (from floor to apex) dome is where sponge media blasting came to the rescue with the solution to a complex surface preparation and historical preservation problem. 

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