Duluth City Architect, Tari Rayala chose Sponge-Jet as the solution to clean the Duluth City Hall’s high profile, travertine limestone interior walls. Nearly a century of cigarette smoke, “dirtier forms of heating” and oils from visitors bumping the walls, left obscured the creamy fresh look that the stone can deliver. Premium Plant Services and Sponge-Jet are teaming up to complete the cleaning and restoration of the two story project.
While results are magnificent, to the architect and maintenance supervisor, what’s also magnificent is the fact that set-up, micro-abrasive cleaning and site cleanup all continue each night so not to curtail daily operations. Ms. Rayala, as Duluth News Tribune staff writer Brady Slater offered the best compliment in speaking about the other subsequent city building renovations… "Once they see what we've done," she said, "they'll be copying us."
Travertine Restoration is very difficult when ordinary abrasives are used. Sponge-Jet microabrasives protect the soft travtine surface from gouging and visible damage that would be unavoidable if restoration was being done with another media like garnet.
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